Get Your Free 1 Hour Marriage Building Session with Dr. Pauline
Biblical Blueprints and Proven Tools for a Lasting Union

Make 2024 The Year of Your Marriage

83% Success Rate

What Makes a Dunamas® Marriages Building Together Intensive Different

The intensive keeps spiritual and psychological reasoning in Biblical balance Tools: You will be given all the tools You need to build a Christ-centered, heart-connected, Spirit-filled marriage—and you will be taught how to use them! Coaching—not just counseling. You will actually be coached on how to use the tools effectively You will learn to take responsibility for Your own marriage’s success You will be given simple guides to help you learn how to care for each other’s hearts You will come away no longer being dependent on a counselor or pastor, instead you will be connected to God and each other.
Why Not Now
"We did our marriage intensive with Dr. Pauline over 14 years ago. We still use the tools she taught us every day."
Jeff and Catherine
"I can honestly say we are having a marriage a marriage for the first time in 25 ."
Ray and Amy
A Dunamas® Marriages Intensive was honestly the hardest thing we ever did, and the best thing we ever did.
John and Rebecca
Make 2024 The Year of Your Marriage

What We Value

Pursuing holiness in all areas of our lives. (1 Timothy 4:8)
Goodness Pursuing excellence in all that we do. (Philippians 4:8)
Displayed in our belief in Jesus Christ for Salvation. (Romans 10:9-10)
Showing benevolence and care the way God would have us to. (1 Corinthians 13:1-8)
Affection Showing kindness to everyone we come in contact with. (Colossians 3:12)
Continually pursuing education and best practices in the areas we each specialize in....
Patiently continuing forward even in the face of seeming adversity. Showing follow through,...
Self-control Esteeming others as more important than ourselves. (Philippians 2:3)
83% Success Rate

Our Story

I never thought I would be a marriage counselor when I was in graduate school. That was because standard marriage counseling was a whole lot of work for very little return (Less than 20% success rate) Then I was introduced to this heart-connecting model. My Husband and I decided that they would go through an intensive together. It changed everything we knew about our marriage, and how to connect to each other's hear Soon after that my husband asked me how I could know about this type of marriage counseling and not do it. The rest, they say, is history. We Have now been married for 42 years! Now I am blessed by helping you with your marriage and how to connect at a heart level. And how to show God to the world through your marriage! Yours in Christ, Dr. Pauline Dillard
Why Not Now

Meet With Dr. Pauline at the Dunamas® Marriages Offices

(Or sign up for an intensive on line)
Our address
2143 N. Academy Blvd Colorado Springs, CO 80909
Get directions
Hours of Operation
By Appointment
Make 2024 The Year of Your Marriage

Free Marriage Tool

Do you find yourself having the same argument/discussion over and over again? With this free downloadable PDF learn why you are stuck in what I call the Crazy Cycle.
Make 2024 The Year of Your Marriage
83% Success Rate
Why Not Now?